What is the meaning of Conciliation? Concept, Definition of Conciliation

1 Meaning of conciliation

conciliation s. f. action to reconcile warring people or opposite or different things.
Manual of the Vox Spanish language dictionary. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.

2. Definition of conciliation

Referred to conciliation to the agreement between two positions that were found in the past. Interpersonal relationships that derive from social coexistence pose conflicts on numerous occasions. Permanence in society requires that you seek and continually assume attitudes and postures that are convenient and beneficial for all parties involved. In fact, it can be said safely that emotional lainteligencia consists in settling these conflicts with ease.
There are legal representations of these circumstances. For example, it is possible to arrive at a reconciliation through a statement that concludes a judicial process. In this case, the third party who arbitrates between the parties is the judge, which must be approved as agreed by them in a legal context. Even, in some legal systems it is compulsory to try to reach an agreement before addressing some sort of litigation. This specific mode is typical of circumstances not criminal in nature, as it happens in some Nations with the labour jurisdiction or some forms of civil trials, especially in the case of divorce or agreements between former members of a couple by the food share's descendants.
Of course, it is also possible that conflict resolution is undertaken on out-of-court mode. This type of arrangement avoids the problems of resorting to more formal instances. Thus, in these cases the role of arbitrator may exercise it either and the agreement can be considered a transaction. This variant of concordance between private is optimal for the minimization of costs and savings of time, which, for the justice system, may be inappropriately long.
Achieve a reconciliation is often the central theme of the religions most important or extended. In fact, the term religion comes from the latin religāre which means to unite or tie. In effect, if we compare to the most relevant religious expressions we will see that one of the recurring topics is the problem of the division between human beings, that at some point seems impossible to resolve completely through human means. According to these expressions of faith, this conflict situation can be resolved only through the intervention of the actions of the divine. Indeed, reconciliation and forgiveness are part of the precepts of the great monotheistic religions (Christians, Jews and Muslims), but also of other religious and philosophical systems of life as professed in many nations of the East, including Hinduism, Taoism, the confusion and many polytheistic faiths.
In addition to the problems between people who need to find a solution that integrates postures, the truth is that it is also necessary to achieve an internal reconciliation between different desires that are often conflicting, i.e. a achieve a reconciliation of the individual with himself. Thus, it is important for each subject to find midpoints between all their aspirations so that these may materialize. On this basis have been developed various theories about the conflict between the components that give rise to personality. As well, while instinctive drives dedicated to primary and up to primitive needs (the "this" in the conception of psychoanalysis) put social demands aimed at ensuring a cohabitation (the "superego"). In simplified terms, their interaction with purposes of conciliation, arises the real personality of the individual (the ' I').
Finally, the concept of reconciliation is also applicable in the field of political science. When sides or initially irreconcilable parties try to achieve a unified solution of conflicts, it is possible to avoid war or border clashes between countries or even between internal factions of the same nation. Reconciliations are achieved either through dialogue between delegates or representatives of each of the sides or with the collaboration of an external mediator, usually chosen in the framework of the agreement between the parties.

3 Concept of conciliation

The word conciliation etymologically comes from the latin "he conciliare", formed by "with" whose meaning is union, and "it calare" = call, and can be defined as the Pacific agreement that get people who have ideas or conflicting or competing interests.
The presence of conflicts, natural in every human grouping, these can be solved by violence or in a peaceful manner, being this last way what is meant by conciliation: arrive at agreements that don't mean changing postures, but yes often waive some claims or introduce differences through dialogue, to unlock the conflict in pursuit of peace, and in many cases admit listening to another that in some points there may be coincidences.
The conciliation as said present in many areas: family, work, school, religious, and is especially used in litigation, where in many subjects extrajudicial conciliation is a mandatory preliminary stage before starting the process, where parties argue their claims to a neutral third party who tries to avenir them. It is a medium that avoids the high costs of economic and human resources that matter a judicial process.
In labour matters before a measure of strength of the workers (strike) the Ministry of labour can dictate a compulsory conciliation requiring the parties to present to negotiate, to just after the failure of negotiations resorting to such extreme measures.
It can also be applied to theories, such as when we try to reconcile the idea decreacion of the world by Christianity with the theory of the big bang. When the ideas expressed may not find compatibility nor any point in common, that they are irreconcilable said.