What is the meaning of Pascal? Concept, Definition of Pascal

Definition of Pascal

1 Meaning of Pascal

Pascal is a programming language developed by the Swiss Professor Niklaus Wirth between 1968 and 1969 and released in 1970. His goal was to create a language that would facilitate the learning of programming to his students, using structured programming and data structuring. However with time use exceeded the academic field to become a tool for the creation of all kinds of applications.
Pascal is characterized as a programming language structured strongly typed. This implies that:
1. The code is divided into easily readable portions called functions or procedures. Thus Pascal facilitates the use of the program structured as opposed to the old style of monolithic programming.
2. The data type of all the variables must be declared previously so that its use is enabled.
The Pascal name was chosen in honor of the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
The pascal (symbol Pa) is the unit of pressure of the international system of units. It is defined as the pressure that it exerts a force of 1 newton on a surface of 1 square meter normal to it.

2. Definition of Pascal

In 1623 was the birth of Blaise Pascal, a French scientist who was in the history for his contributions to physics, mathematics and philosophy. In his tribute, called pascal to a unit of the international system that allows to make mention of the pressure.
Pascal (whose symbol is Pa), in this sense, is equivalent to the pressure of uniform rate that a force of one newton develops on a surface of 1 square meter. Among the most commonly used multiples of pascal, appears the hectopascal, equal to a hundred pascals and a millibar.
It is usual that the pressure of the atmosphere is expressed in hectopascals or millibars. The mean pressure is equivalent to 1013 hectopascals or millibars: changes in this issue reveal, as the case may be, low or high pressure.
Referred to as law or principle of Pascal, on the other hand, to a statement of the mentioned scientist on the transmission of the pressure of a fluid within certain types of vessels. This law States that the pressure of the fluid in a container with walls that can not lose their shape is propagated with the same intensity in any direction and at any point.
Pascal bet, on the other hand, is the reasoning of the scientist about the existence of God. For Pascal, even though there is no evidence, it is rational to place a bet in favor of its existence
The Pascal triangle, in the field of mathematics, allows to represent binomial coefficients according to a triangular organization.
The Pascal programming language, was ultimately designed by Nicklaus Wirth, who presented it in 1970 and named in memory of Blaise, who died in 1662.