To write - Parables to teach values

Parables and stories
to teach values

Contents Parables and stories to teach values

Benito Pérez Galdós was, without a doubt, the figure of 19th-century Spanish realism Summit. Author of a vast literary work that included some eighty novels and 22 plays, was able to reflect as anyone, especially in the 46 volumes of "Episodios Nacionales", the Spanish society of his time. Already elderly, he was invited by some friends to spend a season in the town of Sitges. As it was already nearly blind, to write I needed a Secretary who was taking note of what he said.
An afternoon in which Pérez Galdós was in the library of the House dictating a few texts, the owner of the House sent a memo with the servant, a girl recently arrived from the field. After a while, the girl came back saying that he could not find the message because they were too busy writing.
-They who writes is not, Don Benito - tried to clarify the Lady.
-It is very wrong, lady - replied the maid-. The only thing making Don Benito is talking. Who really writes is the Lord who accompanies him.
Many people think that writing is to copy and, in fact, there are students who passed ten, fifteen or more years in the educational system and on very rare occasions they wrote something, or were taught to write really, in a personal way to communicate his thought or dump their creativity in a text. Be limited simply by copying and transcribing hundreds of pages the words and thoughts of others, regardless of whether they did so in dictations, by copying directly from books or encyclopedias in those works badly called of "research", or prior memorization to successfully answer the series of tests and examinations to be performed in the long years of schooling. And is that, as masterfully expresses the writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro, "write, rather than to transmit knowledge, is access to that knowledge. The Act of writing allows us to apprehend a reality that, so far, us was incomplete, veiled, fugitive, chaotic way. Many things understand them them only when we write".
If writing is a means of communication and creation, it is also to learn how to think, because it is a privileged means of expression and reflection of the thought. When we write, we meditate on the ideas that we want to express, we examine and judge our thoughts. This is so true that one fails to understand an idea until it writes it. "If you want to know what you think, write it." Behind many resistances to write, resistances are hidden to think, and it's sad to see how the school has neglected the continuous exercise of personal and creative writing.
Writing is communicating, spilling in others for unleashing processes of creation, of illusion, of hope. As Eduardo Galeano said, "one writes, but the text is in the reader. The words travel within him, belong to him. Writing is a way to seek other, take, give the soul. It is the adventure of the uncertainty. It's like throw bottles into the water with messages of love, of hope, in the hope that someone will pick them up and respond."
We need schools and teachers actively engaged in the teaching of reading and writing. Reading and writing are two sides of the same coin. To master the writing it should read and write a lot, must fight with words and virtually experience that writing is a means to communicate to others the own experiences, dreams, ideas, fears, desires and illusions. Thus, the child will only launch to write freely if you feel that you have something to say and what he says or has is valued by others. Hence the importance of creating a motivating environment, where students feel free and eager to express their feelings in the classroom ideas, occurences and experiences both orally and in writing.

Translated for educational purposes.