Adaptive leadership: how to become a leader

Adaptive leadership

Historically, in many companies, universities and business schools has been more emphasis on the word management on the leadership. Refers to the domain management and technical skills are basic for an efficient company, but this knowledge is not enough. Today the human skills training is required, why leadership is a challenge of the first order in all its dimensions, both for organizations and for managers and trainers. In reality, for all.
The Adaptive model posed in this note is a vision that privileges the leadership over management. Who prefers the soft rather than the hard, that you choose to influence and guide people before who direct and manage resources. And it is a powerful vision, since the leadership not accessed by a simple transfer of knowledge as to the technical domain. Leadership, as a human domain, involves influence and example values by who exercises it.
You can't have success with other people if the price of success with oneself, has not paid he said Stephen Covey
People continue to who leads, because they are able to see the leader a purpose, a why. So the leader becomes the architect of confidence that manages to bring his team to excellence. Leaders hold a position of power or influence says Simon Sinek, who lead inspire us. We continue to those who lead not because we have to do it, but because we want to do it.

An Adaptive leader understands your employees

Today's managers do not have time to monitor their employees, therefore have to delegate tasks and create a culture of responsibility. They must see the company as a place where people can and should be developed, not only as a professional, but as people.
Thus, the question that will make many is: why leaders remain inefficient in interaction with their subordinates? Why there is still authoritarian leaders? Why a leadership model serves for an individual, and it does not work with the individual's next?
A tentative answer is that a leadership model that adapts to the characteristics of the behavior of each subordinate, only sustainable and effective way to lead there is.
It is to respond to this need arises this new leadership that is not only a technique, procedure or model. It is a way of understanding people, relationships and organizations.

How to become a leader in Adaptive

Become an Adaptive leader will require a titanic task of boldness and innovation for companies and executives, because in good measure the script for this new vision still is be written. This new model of leadership is a process that consists of four developmental stages by the leader:
First, know yourself to lead internally; Second, to be the protagonist achieving objectives; third, become expert in people knowing the different profiles of behaviour; to finally get to be a "Adaptive leader" adapting the own behavior to the subordinate.
The stages of this sustainable model are:
• Personal leadership: lead the interior (internal development)
• Effective leadership: be the protagonist (proactive mental model)
• Relational leadership: meet the people (efficiency in the detection of behavioral profiles)
• Adaptive leadership: adapt to each (capacity of lead according to the profile of the people)
The first two stages of internal leadership and prominence, stimulate, support and reinforce the leader, helping to reveal their own potential and to become the best version of itself. This gives rise to heads and more satisfied employees and, therefore, more efficient and valuable.
The two remaining stages are the basis and the Foundation of the model. The ability to recognize the profiles of human behavior, and to adapt to them. So then, the different profiles of behavior will influence model of leadership of the steering.
The model poses an adaptation to different types of behavior , conscious and unconscious described by Carl Jung in his world-renowned DISC theory. This psychological theory was developed in the 1920's by Jung in his book The psychological types, defining a map of behavior of four dimensions.
There, people are classified into four quadrants, identified with the letter D for the dominant for the influential, S for which seeks security and C for which complies with regulations.
Each profile behavior has its characteristic strengths and areas for improvement. This issue is in particular, that the leader must master if you want to be an expert in people and high performance equipment.

From the point of view of a leader, it is not the same lead to a "D" which is an extrovert, haughty, sure of itself and proactive individual to lead an "S" that seeks security, resists change and is introverted. Nor is it leading to an "I" that is outgoing, emotional and social, to do it with a "C" which is introverted, attached to the standards and rational.
Only if the leader is able to adapt and to treat each subordinate from its own DISC profile, you can become an expert in people since you will have discovered the origin of human motivation.
Understood thus, Adaptive leadership should not be considered a tool, but a style of influence and guide the leaders so they achieve better results with their teams. Then, as soon as possible this model of leadership is integrated in the organizations, before should companies more competitive, successful, profitable, long-lasting, attractive and necessary today: human.
Article contributed for educational purposes
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