Definition of Protestant Reformation | What is Protestant Reformation

Concept and Meaning of Protestant Reformation

The action and the effect of reform (edit, redo something, form again) is called the reform. Protestant (e), in turn, is an adjective that can evoke one or what protest or, in the field of religion, that which is or which defends Lutheranism or any of its branches.
It is known as the Protestant Reformation movement that emerged in the 16th century and which has triggered a profound change in the Catholic Church. Protestants opposed to the authority of the Pope on the whole of the Christian community and sought to ensure that the Church revisits the roots of primitive Christianity.
The Protestant Reformation was encouraged by various religious, politicians and intellectuals, with the leader the priest Martin Luther, who played the medieval doctrines based Scripture, this after which he has challenged the system of the sacraments of the Catholic Church of the time, which included the sale of indulgences. For Luther, the Gospel should be preached freely and not be the subject of marketing.
Thanks to the support of various civil authorities, the Protestant Reformation succeeded in reforming of many Christian churches in the State. Over time, Protestantism has managed to become the third branch of Christianity, with more than 500 million followers, at the present time.
The response of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation was known as Catholic Counter-Reformation, including the reaffirmation of its millennial doctrine, with the consecration of bread and wine as the body and blood of Christ and the veneration of relics and practical Christian iconic images, among other things.
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