What is the Meaning of Architectural space | Definition and What is Architectural space

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The part occupied by a sensitive object, the ability of a place and the extension contained in the existing material are some of the definitions of space, a term that has its origin in the word latin spatĭum.
Architectural, from the latin architectonĭcus, said of what belongs or relates to architecture (the art and the technique of projecting and constructing buildings).
The notion of architectural space refers to the place whose production is the subject of architecture. The concept is constantly reviewed by experts in the field because it involves different concepts.
We can say, therefore, that the main function of an architect is the configuration of appropriate architectural spaces. To do this, the architect uses architectural elements which are parts functional or decorative work.
The vault, the header, the pillar, column, wall, dome, stairs, porch and partition are some of the architectural elements used by architects in the development of the architectural space.
The creation of the architectural space is also linked to Urbanism (configuration of the environment) and the decorative arts.
Delimitation of the architectural space takes place through the architectural volume. These two concepts (architectural space and architectural volume) are independent. Sometimes, the perception of the two is not coincidental. The volume, in turn, may not correspond to the physical form that establishes, as the dimension of color and textures, the direction of transparencies and the proportion of levels can vary.
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