Biography of Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Social expressions September 27, 1821
May 11, 1881

Who is Henri-Frederic Amiel?

Henri-Frédéric Amiel was born in Geneva on September 27, 1821.

Protestant family of French Huguenot origin, having travelled and lived for some time in Berlin, back to Geneva, where, in 1849, gets the Chair of aesthetics. Later, in 1853, will also get to philosophy.

In 1849 he published "literary movement in French Switzerland and its future"

Rousseau scholar, Amiel is best remembered as the author of a diary (Journal) of over 17 thousand pages, where it digs with its psychological motions paroxysm.

Amiel wrote also poems of romantic style ("grains of millet," Grains de mil, 1854): Essays on literature and of romance Switzerland on Rousseau, on contemporary authors.

Among his works there are also a volume on the General principles of pedagogy, and written about Erasmus, Madame de Stael.

His diary is published posthumously, so sparse: in 1884 with the title "fragments of a diary" (Fragments d'un journal intime), then an expanded edition in 1922, and in 1927 a new volume with the title confessions "Philine".

The taste of Amiel, with its survey of its inexhaustible moti, psychological weaknesses, dreams of man denied the practical life, unable to suffer imperfections of reality, a repulsively decadent taste.

Henri-Frédéric Amiel dies of asphyxiation on May 11, 1881, at the age of 60 years, in Geneva.

Active and curious spirit, Amiel in life was always hampered by a morbid shyness and a deep concern that this remedy found by folding over itself and analyzing their feelings and others with thin and acute clarity, expressing a profound life philosophy and sometimes bitter. Amiel therefore appears as the expression of an evil, more sincere and refined than romantic.